Staunton, Howard:The Chess-Player's Companion
The Chess-Player's Companion

The Chess-Player's Companion Comprising a new treatise on odds, and a collection of games. Contested by the author with various distinguished players during the last ten years; including the great French match with Mons. St. Amant; to which are added a selection of new and instructive problems. By Howard Staunton

Autor: Staunton, Howard
Locul publicării: London
Editura: Bohn
Anul publicării: 1849
Numărul de pagini: 546
Signatură: 40.397
URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10701842-0


Staunton, Howard:The Chess-Player's Companion

Staunton, Howard, (1849)
Image 00544

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