A manual of the principles and practice of Road-making: comprising the location, construction and improvement of Roads and Railroads
A manual of the principles and practice of Road-making: comprising the location, construction and improvement of Roads and Railroads

A manual of the principles and practice of Road-making: comprising the location, construction and improvement of Roads and Railroads

Author: Gillespie, W. M.
Publishing place: New-York
Publishing house: Barnes
Year published: 1862
Pages: 396
BSB Call Nr.: A.hydr. 47 k
URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10059852-5


A manual of the principles and practice of Road-making: comprising the location, construction and improvement of Roads and Railroads

Gillespie, W. M., (1862)
Image 00337

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